
Something to augment what you do

As everyone knows, I’m not a big fan of payroll providers being third-party administrators, at least the big two. However, there may be opportunities for you to augment your services and make a couple of extra bucks.


A perfect example is when I went to Shea Stadium, you had a very limited menu and it was all fast food. When the Mets opened up Citi Field as a replacement, they realized they could augment their bottom line by offering premium food at a premium price. I tell my son all the time about the limited choices at Shea when he is eating Shake Shack. You need to figure out a way to generate another revenue stream by focusing on something that is ancillary to your business, maybe it’s offering other products and services that connect with your business.


You know better about your business that I do, so just focus on what you can do and what you can add tha5 is close to what you’re doing.

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