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Never give up

If you start a retirement plan provider practice, it can be frustrating. Like I always say about things in my life, “If it wasn’t a struggle, it wasn’t any fun”. Building a retirement plan practice isn’t easy because a stash of clients isn’t going to fall into your lap. When it comes to building a practice, the one thing you can never yield to is disillusionment.

I was disillusioned many times in life; I think my three years at law school were 6 months of hope followed by 2 ½ years of disillusionment. I let some of the bad things that happened to me there really affect me and I did it to the detriment of my grades and friendships in law school.

Getting clients isn’t easy and some of the most frustrating people you meet are potential clients who will accept the fact that they are being ripped off by their current providers and still won’t give you the time of day.

It’s ok to be disillusioned at times, but don’t let it paralyze you or sidetrack you in building your practice.

I always say that the only reason I ever had any success is my ambition and will to persevere. I’m not the smartest or the best, I just will never quit. 11 years after starting my own practice, it’s still a struggle and as I stated in the first paragraph, it has been a lot of fun.

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