
Recommendations have to be organic, not forced

Someone on Facebook asked on one of the community groups about a local business and while I used the business for more than 5 years, I was a little disappointed how I was treated at the end of the business relationship. Quite honestly, I don’t think I was ever treated so badly by a company that I used for that long.

I didn’t see anything negative about he business because people pounce on you on these community groups if you have an opinion that someone threatens their opposing view. The problem with this community group thread is that people who actually work for the business loaded it with the recommendations. I think recommendations should be free of bias and I’m not going to trust the recommendation of people who depend part or most of their living on the business they recommended. Any recommendations have to be organic and real and free of coercion/bias. Soliciting recommendations for customers is perfectly fine, but it has to be real and not fake or contrived. Fake recommendations of any kind really make a business look bad and people can see the difference.

You reputation in business is the most important thing and any kind of fake or solicited recommendations by employees actually can ruin your reputation. People want genuine referrals and recommendations, not Facebook community group fake recommendations.

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