
Your reputation is everything

I have been practicing in the employee benefits world for almost 26 years and the beauty of it is that you learn something new every day. The laws and regulations change, attitudes change, and the business is constantly in a state of flux. Sometimes I am a...

The skin in the game

The reason I charge $100 a person (or usually $50 a person if they bring multiple people) to my live events is rather simple. It’s not about drawing money. I want to guarantee attendance. I’ve been to too many events with free registration for attendees, ...

It takes effort to be mean

As I mentioned elsewhere, I took my daughter on a day trip to FanExpo Boston to meet her favorite a...

A committee is all about managing personalities

I have seen so much organization dysfunction in my life and it probably dates back to some of the o...

A committee is all about the better good

I worked at a law firm that supplied dinner if you stayed later. It was cool until you realized the...

Don’t be weird about invites

I’ve been running my events, That 401(k) Conference, since 2018. It’s been fun and there are ti...

Does cold calling work?

When I started my practice in 2010, the idea was that my content would create referral sources from...

Trust takes time

The retirement plan business is all about trust. It’s built on trust and trust takes time. So ...

Every action has a reaction

I always say that the world would be better off, just if every human being would realize that there...

Get compliments and give compliments

One of the plan providers sponsors for the Arlington That 401(k) Conference gave me some compliment...