
The way to grow a PEP is through the state mandates

I’m all for states requiring employers to offer a retirement plan or join the state-endorsed IRA program. It increases retirement plan coverage and as a member of the 401(k) industry, it can increase the potential client pool. According to a study I read...

Yes, I support TPAs

When I was at law school, I was the editor-in-chief of the law school’s newsmagazine. My rise to the top probably had a lot to do with the free time I had by not making law review or any other of the law journals. I failed to get on to any of the four journ...

Advertising won’t fix it

Over the years, I worked with many organizations starting back with student political organizations...

Advisors should play nicely with other providers

What makes a good retirement plan financial advisor? Well, it takes attention to detail, an underst...

The pet peeve

Like I say, the older I get, the more and more I’m like Larry David. The biggest pet peeve on ...

You need a change of culture to change

Long-term businesses in the retirement plan business don’t die overnight. It takes a very long ti...

Don’t get political

As long as I remember, any political discussion gets a little heated. Thanks to social media, any p...

The Bear and the plan provider business

I finally sat down and watched the show everyone was talking about, The Bear on Hulu. Thanks to the...

Your reputation is everything

I have been practicing in the employee benefits world for almost 26 years and the beauty of it is t...

The skin in the game

The reason I charge $100 a person (or usually $50 a person if they bring multiple people) to my liv...