
New Survey Shows 401(k) Participation and Contributions Rising

Plan Sponsor Council of America (PCSA) released their latest survey that showed growth in participation, contributions, Roth 401(k) plans, and automatic enrollment.

89 percent of eligible employees had an account balance in their defined contribution plans and about 85 percent contributed. 60 percent of plan sponsors use automatic enrollment, 75 percent that uses automatic enrollment incorporate auto-escalation.

63% of the Plans in the survey offered a Roth feature and 70% use some type of fiduciary service. For those that use a financial advisor, 20% use a 3(38) fiduciary.

These numbers are very good and I think they are a little too good and don’t offer a full representation of the smaller 401(k) plans that don’t have an advisor, don’t offer Roth, and don’t offer automatic enrollment.

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