
Need to differentiate yourself among the bug boy and girls

A report by Cerulli on the future of the retirement plan business had a startling number. The report showed estimates that the 10 largest recordkeepers will represent more than 75% of record kept 401(k) assets by year-end 2019. That’s a startling number if you happen to be a recordkeeper or TPA. The gist of the report is that recordkeepers and TPAs need to get big or get smart.


Unless you’re in a position to start buying smaller competitors, you’re going to need to get smart by advancements in technology, marketing, and thoughts outside the box to remain competitive in the business. You don’t have to compete with the big boys and girls in numbers to remain competitive, you need differ5entiuators in your approach that will allow you to stand out. Otherwise, you’ll be the next local hardware store or Rickel’s or Channel when Home Depot started expanding

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