
Fight like hell for plan participants

A lot of talk in political circles surround politicians using fighting words. I’m not a politician and I don’t like to use my space for that.


What I will say that as a plan fiduciary, you can use some fighting words when trying to protect your plan participants. Your job is to fight like hell for plan participants. That means making sure that costs are reasonable for plan participants and that the plan is working to help participants save for retirement.


As a plan fiduciary, I’m in a huge fight with the terminated Third-Party Administrator (TPA) over excessive fees that they want to charge plan participants for something that plan participants had already paid for. I could have avoided a conflict by agreeing to the fees, but I would be violating my fiduciary duties by allowing excessive fees to be charged.


Fighting like hell for plan participants will help you reduce your fiduciary liability and it’s your job.

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