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What’s woke?

I don’t know when woke became a part of our lexicon or when people got so riled about something they claimed was woke.

Woke is a political slang adjective meaning alert to racial prejudice and discrimination. I suppose woke became part of the mainstream when after the George Floyd murder, certain products and sports teams realized that their marketing might be perceived as discriminatory. I was fine with Aunt Jemima products changing their name and while I hate the Commanders, Redskins was just too racist for me. Does that make me wake up? I don’t know. I’m certainly not anti-woke and I think when people say they are, they sound a little tone-deaf and could be perceived as racist.

The Acolyte is the latest Star Wars show on Disney +. I’m a Star Wars fan, in the sense that even bad Star Wars is better than most things on television or in the movies. People are claiming the show is woke. Is it because the main actress playing twins has claimed she is gay and non-binary in the past or because both twin characters have two mothers? Is it because the creator is a lesbian? Whatever it is, don’t think it’s woke. Just like making Rey a female Jedi didn’t make the last 3 films of the Skywalker saga, woke either.

5 episodes in, it’s a decent show—nothing to get so riled up, about.

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