
I got no sympathy for employees who do bad

Friday, I was supposed to attend the New York Comic Con for a special session since I had a wholesale account with the leading comic book distributor. I’m sure the breakfast would have had some free giveaways and I was looking forward to it.

Thursday, I got a call from the Managing Attorney that I had to show up at the Garden City office for a meeting. My crime: I sent an email to a former client that I worked with at the Third Party Administrator (TPA) I worked at. The TPA sent the e-mail in a complaint to the Firm I was working at. Like emails and maybe going to the bathroom, I needed permission.

When I walked into the Garden City office, didn’t know if I was getting fired or not. The managing attorney was a little strained as one of the partners to the firm had their son become New York Governor, which raised questions over the government union clients we handled. Week and strained, the Managing Attorney treated this e-mail bigger than it was. I survived that day and heard enough dumb lines from her, that will last me a lifetime. As Henry Hill said in GoodFellas, there are times when you have to take a beating.

So when I hear employees losing their jobs because of filmed meltdowns and inappropriate behaviors, I have no sympathy because people in life have been fired for a lot less and a part of me thinks I still could have been clipped that day, almost 17 years ago. The guy acting like a jerk at an Eagles game and he’s identified as working for your firm, he has to go. It’s bad enough to have workers do terrible things at work, it’s far worse if your company’s name is brought up when an employee does something really stupid off the job.

I’m sorry, I just have no sympathy because I was trying to help my firm, and I still caught grief for it.

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