
Does cold calling work?

When I started my practice in 2010, the idea was that my content would create referral so...

Qualcomm fails to get forfeiture case tossed

A federal judge in San Diego rejected Qualcomm Inc.’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit by a ...

Yankee Stadium That 401(k) Conference is a hit

With thanks to our sponsors and attendees, we ended the 2024 live editions of That 401(k)...

TIAA needs to litigate cross-selling lawsuit

A lawsuit against TIAA’s cross-selling a managed account service will proceed after the...

Vestwell announces Chase deal

Vestwell announced the expanded distribution of J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s Everyday...

Know when a SEP no longer fits

Small employer plans like a SEP or a SIMPLE-IRA are great opportunities for small busines...

The question of providing information

ERISA requires disclosure of certain plan documents to participants including a summary p...

Trust takes time

The retirement plan business is all about trust. It’s built on trust and trust takes ti...

Every action has a reaction

I always say that the world would be better off, just if every human being would realize ...

The problem of the de-conversion process

Years ago, I was the Executive Editor of my law school’s news magazine. In one of my fi...