
Ascensus and American Funds bring PEP to market

Ascensus and American Funds have finally brought their pooled employer plan (PEP) to mark...

CITs in 403(b) plans need to be a thing

Collective Investment Trust investments were supposed to be a thing for 403(b) plans. It ...

One America is now One America Financial

OneAmerica Financial Partners Inc. announced a rebranding to OneAmerica Financial from si...

Verify the resume is true

Thankfully, it’s been about 13 years since I’ve had a resume. It wasn’t a fun job a...

The Cash-out Limit change is a no brainer

For over 25 years, the involuntary cash-out limit was $5,000. Now, we have an increase. A...

Those autographs are worthless

My son is a big sports nut, bigger than I’ll ever be. I indulge him with autograph even...

IRS issues Emergency Savings Account guidance

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2024-22, which provided initial guidance...

The student loan match

I graduated from school in 1998. 2023 was the year that all my loans were paid off, loans...

Fidelity adds annuity option

Fidelity is offering a new solution, that will allow employees to convert all or a portio...

Reduce expenses and then re-allocate for forfeitures

The practice of forfeitures in 401(k) plans was to reallocate or reduce contributions. Th...