There will always be an angle for ERISA litigators
There is this scene in Donnie Brasco when the crew has to make their take for the week an...
There is this scene in Donnie Brasco when the crew has to make their take for the week an...
When I started my law practice almost 15 years ago, I started to look at what the competi...
I’m a long-suffering fan of the Mets and, I’ve had to deal with the underwhelming lea...
A Texas federal district court ruled that American Airlines breached its fiduciary duty o...
Transamerica announced a brand revamp. According to Transamerica, these changes includ...
John Hancock has launched FutureStep, an open-architecture retirement plan offering power...
The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued proposed regulations regarding the provis...
Mariner announced the acquisition of Cardinal Investment Advisors. Mariner’s advisor...
Starting in 2026, Highly Compensated Employees will have to make their Catch Up Contribut...
There are good third-party administrators (TPAs) and bad ones. No matter how good your TP...
As a plan fiduciary, I still can’t believe it. A Third Party Administrator (TPA) we ter...
Friday, I was supposed to attend the New York Comic Con for a special session since I had...
Most plan screwups happen when either the plan provider doesn’t ask and/or the plan spo...
When it comes to health and fitness, you constantly hear studies about what foods fight o...
Retirement plans with more than 100 participants with account balances require a CPA audi...
Every December, the family goes to Florida for Christmas week. As a kid, I never traveled...
We always tell plan sponsors to keep ERISA records for 7 years. In this day and age of sc...
There have been 25 cases where plan sponsors have been sued over their right to use forfe...
People like to read, and so do I. They also like to read articles and find out informatio...
Brainwashing is the idea that the human mind can be changed or controlled against a perso...