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Welcome to that401ksite.com

Welcome to that401ksite.com (again). You’re probably asking yourself: “why do we need another 401(k) site? “

We really don’t, but I think that while there is a bunch of good 401(k) news websites out there for plan providers, there isn’t any good ones that can reach both plan sponsors and plan providers at the same time.

While this site will feature news, most of the articles will be about how plan sponsors can improve their 401(k) plans and how plan providers can improve their business. In addition, we have a section called Beyond 401(k) where we’ll feature articles on pop culture, entertainment, and anything else that isn’t related to retirement plans.

If you’re a plan provider and are interested in submitting your articles for publication or interested in advertising, please feel free to contact me with the contact at info@that401ksite.com. If you’re not a plan provider and are interested in submitting articles, please contact me at that same email address.

In addition, our logo makes a great gift. Visit our online store at http://www.cafepress.com/that401ksite.


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