
Keep your politics off LinkedIn because it will hurt your brand

I had a great interview with Bruce Johnston on this site about social media and I think one of the important lessons he taught was how LinkedIn wasn’t Facebook. It’s a networking tool and what you might post on Facebook isn’t necessarily something should be posting on LinkedIn.

I’m amazed how so many people on LinkedIn post political posts and think that’s OK. While I have my political views, I don’t think that has any bearing on my business and the clients I want to work with. I’m just surprised with how many Trump supporters and detractors think their President trump related posts is going to help them get business if their business doesn’t have any relation to politics.

I’ll never forget a financial advisor who said he only wanted to work with clients who were Conservatives and I imagine there are financial advisors who only want Progressive clients and I ask: why? Why should I let potential client’s politics get in the way of my potential business? It just doesn’t make sense to me.

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