
Don’t let them push you around

I’ve watched Survivor since it first started about 23 years ago and I never tried out for the show. I’m unathletic and I can’t swim, I’d be the first one voted off. I’m also on the path of least resistance, which means I go along with the crowd until the crowd turns on me. I agree on things until I can’t and that disagreement doesn’t sit well with the people that want me to go along for it all.

In the scheme of life, you have to look out for yourself because it feels that no one else will. You need to speak up and demand what’s yours. Otherwise, there might not be anything you want, left. Recently, I had to push back on a piece of business that was mine for 11 years and some parties thought I should surrender it for free. Long-term partners didn’t understand why I said no because I said yes to a lot of things that I probably shouldn’t have. You plant a tree and you should see to it, that it bears fruit for you.

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