
John Hancock forks over $14 million in 401(k) lawsuit

When you operate proprietary mutual funds and offer them in your401(k) plan, you will be a target of...

Introducing That 401(k) Networking Event and Mets game on July 28th

  With the pandemic coming to an end, it’s time to get back to business.   On Wednesday,...

A September to Remember

Now that it appears the pandemic is nearing its end, it’s time to get back and meet up again. &nbs...

Can we admit crypto is a bad idea for 401(k) plans?

In the 30 plus years of investing, investing in cryptocurrency has been a wild ride. Mostly ups, but...

Congress proposed legislation to allow ESG

In the 30 years that I’ve been an investor, I’ve always strived for the best performance, thatâ€...

T. Rowe unloading duties on FIS

T. Rowe Price has announced plans to transfer responsibility for its retirement technology developme...

NYC requires retirement coverage through Mandatory IRA

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law legislation that will require private-sector empl...

Introducing That 401(k) University

You don’t have time, I get it.   So I will be developing a YouTube series of 8–10-minute vi...

Ascensus is acquired

One of the biggest consolidators in the third-party administration (TPA) business has found itself b...

IRS offers more partial termination guidance

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released some new guidance on the temporary partial plan terminat...