
Advisors need to offer education, it’s that simple

Advisors ask me all the time about the role of education in participant-directed 401(k) pl...

Well, I have an in with this association

If I got $5 for every time an advisor or other plan provider told me they had an in with a...

Sports card market is in a bubble that will explode

The COVID pandemic and sports documentaries like ESPN’s The Last Dance has created a fer...

We have a job to do

Only 20% of people aged 20 to 29 in the world believe they’ll achieve their full retirem...

r/wallstreetbets is another reason why I hate self directed brokerage accounts

What the Reddit group wallstreetbets did with Gamestop in a short squeeze was something qu...

Purchasers need to stay in their lane

I’ve written blog posts about the problems that I see when a plan provider I know gets p...

From a certain point of legal view

There are two types of ERISA attorney, those that work for a plan provider and those that ...

The problem of the PEP Trustee

One of the quirks with pooled employer plans (PEPs) is the need for a corporate trustee. T...

Opinions aren’t wrong, except…. by experiences

I have very strong opinions on the retirement plan business and that might be a reason Iâ€...