
Bank of America will start to cross-sell

Cross-selling is something I have always heard talked about, but not a lot of doing. Wheth...

Make sure you deal with controlled and affiliated service group analysis

As a 401(k) plan sponsor, you need to make sure that all your plan providers understand an...

The letter from the lawyer

When I was at law school, I was the editor of the student magazine there and I broke the s...

The Fear About PEPs

I am a proponent of multiple employer plans (MEPs) and the new change that will allow pool...

The death of the department store should clue you in about business

Sears and Macys announced some massive store closings. The department store has been a bus...

The threat of plan disqualification

In the movie Casino, Robert Deniro’s character Lefty Rosenthal warns Joe Pesci’s chara...

XFL 2.0: A Chance at redemption

Very few times in history after a huge disaster, do you get a second chance at making it r...

You can’t go negative

Growing up, I was a pessimist. I don’t why, but I let any little thing get to me and I r...

Change the neglected part of automatic rollovers with FPS

One of the most forgotten parts of a 401(k) plan is the automatic rollover and who the aut...

You have to deal with schnorrers, but draw the line

One of my favorite Yiddish words is schnorrer. While it means beggar or sponger, it’s es...