
The Sample QDRO

  It’s funny in a sense that the people who should be most experienced with Qualifi...

They’re tearing down OJC

In the Rod Serling show, Night Gallery, Serling wrote the episode: “They’re Tearing Do...

MIT folds in class action lawsuit

Kenny Roger’s “The Gambler” song has some great tips. You need to know when to hold ...

If you want it, ask for it

When I was a kid, I’d be passive-aggressive in the sense that I wouldn’t let people kn...

Just because they say they’re good, doesn’t make it so

If people pass on enough incorrect information out there, you start to believe it. When I ...

The good old days for advisors are gone

In the good old days of participant-directed 401(k) plans, a good chunk of financial advis...

Know why you hired them

As a plan sponsor, you have a fiduciary duty to hire competent plan providers to handle yo...

Sometimes, the litigators want a piece of you

Many years ago, I represented a defined benefit plan sponsor being investigated by the Dep...

More annuities in plans is a pause for concern

A growing number of U.S. employers are adding lifetime income solutions to their defined c...

IRS offers guidance on uncashed checks, but not really

In a recent revenue ruling, the IRS stated that if a participant or a beneficiary doesn’...