
Don’t show clients you don’t care

It’s one of the greatest lines in a movie and even my 11-year-old daughter knows it. Har...


Quite a bit actually!  Who would have thought!   This past weekend I attended the intern...

Home Depot is the next 401(k) lawsuit target

The company that told us we can do home improvement by ourselves might not have been able ...

Always Be Watching

Who can forget Alec Baldwin’s speech in Glengarry Glenn Ross on how salesmen should “A...

I’m only superstitious about the Mets

When I was younger, I used to be superstitious. For example, in college, I had a lucky shi...

Dealing with potential clients that are married to the ball and chain

How many times as a retirement plan provider that you contact a retirement plan that is pa...

Avoid those who always sell to plan sponsors

When I was a kid, there were two varieties of Cheerios, one version of Listerine, and one ...

What Were They Thinking #50 the AOL-Time Warner Merger

There have been so many bad mergers in corporate history, but there is probably no worse c...

Ary’s Gems #1: Airplane!

This is the first of hopefully (depending on continuing advertising support) of many artic...

A Little Humor May Help

When I worked at that law firm, I always felt I was Al Czervik, the Rodney Dangerfield cha...