
It is education, not regulation that is truly in the best interest of consumers

First of all, regardless of the differing viewpoints surrounding the DOL fiduciary rule, a...

myRA put out to pasture

President Obama’s myRA program was put out to pasture by the Trump administration becaus...

Even if you’re doing your job as a plan sponsor, you still can get sued

The fact is that sometimes, bad things happen to good people.  That can be said about ret...

What Were They Thinking #27 A&P goes from 16,000 stores to oblivion

From 1915 through 1975, A&P (corporate name was the Greater Atlantic & Pacific Tea...

Business Advice from Eric Bischoff

Yes, you’d think I’ve lost it if I’m telling you that former World Championship Wres...

The “Convenience” of a Payroll Company doing your plan administration strikes again

One of our clients is the co-owner of a building contractor that contracted with one of th...

Bonus can cost you more than one way

When I first started working as an ERISA attorney in September 1998, I was pleasantly surp...

GLOW is great

Yes, I’ll admit it: I watched the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling (GLOW). GLOW didn’t exa...

Pushing Automatic Enrollment is good for business

When I was at college, I was very involved politically. Someone I met my freshman year at ...

Fine with eliminating State Exemption for Plans, but what about MEPs

I was never in favor of allowing individual states running retirement plans for employers ...