
You don’t have as much leverage as you think

As a plan fiduciary, I still can’t believe it. A Third Party Administrator (TPA) we ter...

I got no sympathy for employees who do bad

Friday, I was supposed to attend the New York Comic Con for a special session since I had...

I hate surprises and make sure plan sponsors don’t have any

Most plan screwups happen when either the plan provider doesn’t ask and/or the plan spo...

Picking the cheapest provider can be a breach of fiduciary

When it comes to health and fitness, you constantly hear studies about what foods fight o...

The problem with plan investments and audits

Retirement plans with more than 100 participants with account balances require a CPA audi...

Day school times are the ties that bind

Every December, the family goes to Florida for Christmas week. As a kid, I never traveled...

The DOL Lost and Found Database may finally eliminate that Social Security notice nonsense

We always tell plan sponsors to keep ERISA records for 7 years. In this day and age of sc...

Honeywell wins forfeiture case

There have been 25 cases where plan sponsors have been sued over their right to use forfe...

Again, stop with those Mega Back Door Roth articles

People like to read, and so do I. They also like to read articles and find out informatio...

It wasn’t brainwashing, it was the gaslighting of the insecure

Brainwashing is the idea that the human mind can be changed or controlled against a perso...