
IRS pushes back on amendment deadlines

The IRS announced that the amendment deadline for most qualified retirement plans, includ...

Bitcoin in 401(k) plans is eventually going to happen

Timing is everything in life. When plan providers were trying to push Crypto in 401(k) pl...

DOL sues over forfeitures

While there have been a few lawsuits over the use of forfeitures in retirement plans, itâ...

Some PEPs to go bye bye

Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs) are an attractive opportunity for small plans to mitigate th...

The problem with automatic enrollment

Automatic enrollment is one of the best features of a 401(k) plan especially when it was ...

The things about awards

You will hear about how certain retirement plan providers have won awards. Awards are imp...

Hand it over and print it up

I have been doing government audits of retirement plans for over 25 years. The technology...

Vestwell gets more financing

Vestwell has raised $125 million in a Series D fundraising round led by Lightspeed Ventur...

The one thing people have problem with the most

If there is one thing that over time, I’ve realized that people have a problem with the...

We are shaped by our experiences

When I used to write the annual article that Paychex and ADP were lousy third-party admin...