
Roth will gain more fans

The numbers don’t lie. We are $29 trillion in debt. Our biggest expenditures will be en...

Great Resignation brings up a wide variety of issues

If your firm has been touched by the great resignations of 2022, you may have some issues...

Not all fiduciary services are the same

As a plan sponsor, you hear the numbers like 3(16), 3(21), and 3(38) thrown around. The s...

I won’t add annuity options to 401(k) plans

When it comes to plan design, I believe in the idea of KISS:  keep it simple, stupid...

That 401(k) Virtual Bunch returns March 10th

With a hiatus that took longer than expected, That 401(k) Virtual Bunch, our live intervi...

We will hear those 401(k) complaints if markets tank

I used to joke that to save money, the local news stations should recycle footage that th...

EBSA hammers NY Courier for ERISA lawsuit

The Department of Labor (DOL) Employee Benefit security Administered has filed a lawsuit ...

The old lawyer letter

When I was at law school, I was the editor of the student magazine there and I broke the ...

Find out if you’re part of a controlled or affiliated service group

As a 401(k) plan sponsor, you need to make sure that all your plan providers understand a...

Don’t waste a plan provider’s time

I started my practice almost 12 years ago and I devoted a huge part of it, to helping adv...