
Correct the late deferral issue correctly

Correcting your late deferrals by depositing them and making a contribution to compensate for lost earnings in your 401(k) plan isn’t sufficient. Why? Because Form 5500 requires you to honestly indicate whether you have late deferrals. If you answer ...

Vesting doesn’t help with retention

I have worked at places that were so unpleasant that I consider myself lucky the vesting schedule was only six years. If they had the option, I’m convinced they would have implemented a 20-year vesting schedule. For me, vesting schedules have never been a r...

You’ll get hammered if you don’t use the DFVCP

I sound like a broken record, but I won’t stop until 401(k) plan sponsors understand the issue of...

The overvaluing of experience

I always say that picking a plan provider just on price is a bad idea and I will say that picking a...

There will always be an angle for ERISA litigators

There is this scene in Donnie Brasco when the crew has to make their take for the week and they try...

Tell your TPA the whole story

There are good third-party administrators (TPAs) and bad ones. No matter how good your TPA is, they...

Picking the cheapest provider can be a breach of fiduciary

When it comes to health and fitness, you constantly hear studies about what foods fight or cause ca...

The problem with plan investments and audits

Retirement plans with more than 100 participants with account balances require a CPA audit for thei...

A SIMPLE Plan isn’t so simple

Small business plans that require no testing such as a SIMPLE IRA sound great on paper, but they cr...

With some penalties, there is nothing I can do

Memorial Sloan Kettering is probably one of the top 5 cancer hospitals in the United States. If I e...