
Buying a business? What is with the 401(k) plan?

If you own a business, expanding by buying a competitor goes a long way. Mergers and acquisitions a...

Fiduciary Liability Insurance is really worth it

The warranty in the electronics business is gravy for the retailers who sell it. You’ll be surpri...

The audit isn’t as random as you think

A small plan received an audit inquiry from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Upon further review...

The Cash-out Limit change is a no brainer

For over 25 years, the involuntary cash-out limit was $5,000. Now, we have an increase. An increase...

Tell the employees the truth

I always say the two worst things you can give people are false praise and false hope. One of the r...

The problem with automatic enrollment

Automatic enrollment is one of the best features of a 401(k) plan especially when it was finally co...

The things about awards

You will hear about how certain retirement plan providers have won awards. Awards are impressive, b...

Hand it over and print it up

I have been doing government audits of retirement plans for over 25 years. The technology has chang...

The audits might be coming

I have handled more audits in the past six months, than in the past 5 years. Whether it’s the Int...

The snowball effect by not calling an ERISA attorney

The snowball effect is a term for a process that starts from something that is small and builds upo...