
That student loan match

The private letter ruling that allowed a certain 401(k) plan to allow the employer to make payments ...

403(b) defendants are on a roll

Georgetown University is now the 5th university that has won its case after being sued by plan parti...

LA is the place to be on February 22nd

There are a lot of 401(k) conferences, but there are very few memorable 401(k) conferences.   W...

The road to more consolidation

Every week on 401(k) Help Center, I see an article about some retirement plan provider being bought ...

Industry Groups Urge DOL to Expand MEP Proposed Rule

The Department of Labor (DOL) has been accepting comments regarding its proposed rule on multiple em...

Edward Jones Forks over $3 million in 401(k) lawsuit

Edward Jones is going to pay $3.2 million to settle a lawsuit alleging they were using investments i...

That 401(k) Conference will hit LA this February

I’m very proud to announce That 401(k) Conference will emanate from Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles ...

Review that ERISA bond, because it might not be one

All ERISA plans need an ERISA bond that protects the plan from thefts of plan assets by plan fiducia...

Oregon opens up small business plan for individuals

Oregon announced that their OregonSaves retirement program will now allow individuals, such as self-...

Vanguard to offer HSAs, interest will be increased

As I’ve been saying for a while, advisors need to offer health savings accounts (HSAs) to the plan...