
What is the Chamber smoking?

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has published a report highlighting the negative effects the new fiduci...

The Thing about Payroll Provider TPAs

Last week, I published on my annual article regarding payroll provider third party admin...

States still moving ahead with auto IRA plans, but why?

Despite the fact that Congress helped kill the exemption of state run automatic IRA programs from ER...

My Problem With Target Date Funds

When it comes to consumer products and food products, we have stringent labeling requirements. Produ...

The New Fiduciary Rule will go into effect… for now

I really need a scorecard to determine the status of the Department of Labor’s new fiduciary rule ...

The profound change in the end was good

If you go and read through the marketplace news on, you see something recurring t...

What Phyllis Borzi got wrong

It’s been about 4 months since Phyllis Borzi left her position as the head of the Employee Benefit...

Interview: Dan Kravitz, Kravitz, Inc.

Q:  When did you start in the retirement plan business? A: My father, Lou Kravitz, founded our com...

IRS takes a look at Cash Balance Formulas for Funny Business

Throughout my career as an ERISA attorney, I’ve come across actuarial third party recordkeeping fi...

Interview: John Sullivan, 401(k) Specialist Magazine

Q: How did you get your start writing about retirement plan issues? A: I’m something of a masochis...