
Ary Rosenbaum, That 401(k) Guy

733 posts
All posts by Ary Rosenbaum, That 401(k) Guy

If it bleeds, it leads. If it’s thrown out, forget about it.

I serve as the attorney for a registered investment advisor out on Long Island and they forwarded me...

Edison must pay in long running Tibble lawsuit

A federal court ruled that Edison International must pay more than $7.5 million to compensate plan p...

If they could to them, they’ll do it to you

There is a great scene from the movie In The Line of fare where Clint Eastwood’s character Frank H...

Camden Yards is pure joy

My family and I spent a few days in Washington D.C. and Baltimore and it was my first time truly vis...

DOL Kicks The Fiduciary Rule Further Down The Road

The Fiduciary Rule is like a bad soap opera where the action takes too long to happen and it’s jus...

Stick to a plan that will work

When I first started out, I worked as an attorney affiliated with a third party administration (TPA)...

The trouble with any new 401(k) product

When Honda unveiled the 1986 line of Acura cars, it was one of the first entrances of the Japanese A...

What Were They Thinking #32 The USFL overspends, gets Trumped too

In 1983, the United States Football League (USFL) came into being. It offered spring football and on...

If You’re A Plan Sponsor, A Scanner Can Be A Good Friend

Being a plan sponsor is a tough job and the amount of paperwork that goes with it can be overwhelmin...

401(k) Plan Sponsor Steals Assets To Support Country Club Life

One of my favorite lines from Seinfeld is when George Costanza gets a job where Elaine works at Pend...