
What Were They Thinking #56 Cheetos Lip Balm isn’t the taste you want

Companies with popular products, always crave a brand extension because it can create extr...

Managing Your Plan is all about a process and not a result

  We’ve been conditioned in life that everything is about results. I know from law ...

Clearing up my views on producing TPAs

A few weeks back, I published a blog post on some third-party administrators (TPAs) are no...

Let’s not be celebrating about Open MEPs yet

My daughter is 11 and will be celebrating her 12th birthday this October 25th. When she wa...

There are no guarantees in this business

I was in college and a political friend guaranteed that if we formed a political party to ...

The Death of Sears and what it means to you

Sears isn’t dead yet, but it’s a matter of time. It was amusing when the leadership at...

The Coalition of the Willing

I always say that if you want to clean out friends and family from your life, you need to ...

Compensation is such a huge issue in 401(k) plans

When I look at plan errors, one major area of a plan keeps coming up: compensation issues....

You need a tough love provider

I always believe that the two worst things that you can give people are false praise and f...

There has to be a better way than 10/15

I hate to do things last minute. I passed three different state bar exams and I never stud...