
What Were They Thinking #49 Coors Sells Water Without The Buzz

If a food or beverage manufacturer is successful with a brand or segment of the market, th...

The issue with 403(b) plans

I always say that as bad as 401(k) plans may be, 403(b) plans are in much worse shape. It ...

Clients who don’t pay aren’t clients

I always believe that the retirement plan business is a relationship-driven business. Itâ...

Wrestlemania: The Annual Event of trying to get Roman Reigns over

They often say that if at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again. Well the WWE has tak...

Being patient with possible referral sources

I always talk about my open door policy with financial advisors and third-party administra...

The Fiduciary Rule is not dead, but extremely sleepy

So many are celebrating the ruling against the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) fiduciary...

What Were They Thinking #48 ABC runs Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Into the Ground

They often say that whoever forgets history is doomed to repeat it. In 1966, the Batman TV...

Stop thinking of TPAs as just a price placeholder

When you’re a financial advisor and working out proposals for potential plan sponsor cli...

One metric about financial advisors that you should consider

When gauging the effectiveness of the retirement plan’s financial advisor, one thing tha...

Trash Hauler Replaces Some Wasteful Funds

Problem Encountered One of the nation’s ten largest waste haulers had a $70 mm dollar 4...