
The Costs of that Long Time, Part Time change in 2024

The biggest change with the SECURE Act is that long-term part-time employees will be elig...

401(k) Averages Book Shows More Fee Compression

Since 2012 with fee disclosure regulations, we have seen 401(k) fee compression and the l...

It never goes to plan

My grandmother always said that life doesn’t go to plan. She said that years before her...

Kiss your past goodbye

I was a volunteer and officer for an organization where I stated that the leadership (not...

Advertising won’t fix that

Over the years, I worked with many organizations starting back with student political org...

Review those hardship requests

It’s easier to steal when no one is looking. In Ohio, a former plan participant is f...

We’re all shaped by our experiences, but we need to overcome

I’m terrible with compliments. It’s probably because as a kid, I didn’t get many an...

DOL issues caution on private equity investments

The Department of Labor (DOL) has cautioned plan fiduciaries about private equity investm...

Get those amendments for 2022

In addition to that restatement for Cycle 3 that must be completed for most defined contr...

Stable value study shows the obvious about volatility

David Letterman once had a joke about those USA Today graphs where he claimed they had a ...