
There will always be room for chocolate in this business

I had a friend of mind who was an advisor who was lamenting about the changing environment of the re...

National Convention in 2020?

That 401(k) Conference started in 2018 with the goal of starting regional conferences with the goal ...

Captain Marvel and the ‘90s and 401(k) plans

Captain Marvel was an enjoyable movie, especially with the scenes dealing with the premise of it bei...

Get that bond

It’s an easy requirement that many plan sponsors think they’ve accomplished, but they haven’t ...

The Belichick story

I’m a fan of Bill Belichick, probably because he was the defensive mastermind of my New York Giant...

The irrelevance of the Oscars

The Academy Awards’ failed attempt at creating a Best Popular Movie over the past year was eye-ope...

Frank Robinson, the forgotten legend

When people talk about the greats of the 1960s and 1970s, you will hear a lot about Mickey Mantle, W...

Evoshare is something every 401(k) plan should consider

I’m not ashamed to admit when I think someone has a good idea and I think that the folks at Evosha...

What Were They Thinking #59 After Roy’s mauling, no Pride in Father of the Pride

Timing in business is everything. Ayds dietetic candy was a great selling product until something ca...

Call an ERISA attorney when you get the government’s call

When you get pulled over by the police while driving, the best way to handle is to be pleasant and n...