
Ary Rosenbaum, That 401(k) Guy

733 posts
All posts by Ary Rosenbaum, That 401(k) Guy

Plan Sponsors have Tp Keep Track of All Plan Amendments

I didn’t have such a great time at law school because I felt the administration and much of the fa...

What Were They Thinking #47 Ten Cent Beer Night sparks a drunken riot

Promotions by sports teams is a great way to entice fans to go to the game. I know this because my s...

Don’t make yourself a target

If you make yourself a target, don’t expect that someone won’t make you part of their target pra...

What Were They Thinking #46 Wow! Chips: Low Fat Chips with a loose side effect

Companies are always trying to develop low fat and low-calorie alternatives. Whether it’s a diet c...

Vantage Sued Again

Another plan sponsor has sued Vantage Benefits and its principals. In a twist that should shock no p...

Open MEPs will eventually rise again

Multiple employer plans (MEPs) are a topic that many plan providers talk about, but don’t really k...

Black Panther Roars

About 18 years ago, I used to go to the local comic book store for my weekly read of comic books. On...

Introducing the inaugural That 401(k) Conference

There are a lot of industry-wide 401(k) conferences that are great in the ideas of getting people to...

What Were They Thinking #45 Where’s Herb? Who Cares?

The 1980’s were a very competitive time for fast food restaurants. Wendy’s caught lightning in a...

New Survey Shows 401(k) Participation and Contributions Rising

Plan Sponsor Council of America (PCSA) released their latest survey that showed growth in participat...