
With politics, never assume

Many of us in the retirement plan industry including yours truly, swore up and down that t...

Watch over the use of photos with your website

This is a heads up for retirement plan providers and it has nothing to do with retirement ...

Employees don’t need to see that

I always jokingly say that the reason I try to avoid hiring employees is that I once was a...

Fight like hell for plan participants

A lot of talk in political circles surround politicians using fighting words. I’m not a ...

It’s not about a Name

11 years ago, I knew I was going to start my national law practice dedicated to ERISA/reti...

Make sure it’s not a gimmick

A few years back, a good friend of mine who is an ERISA §3(38) fiduciary won a case from ...

Coca-Cola MEP sued

Multiple employer plans (MEPs) have become larger targets for litigation when they achieve...

Biden administration to implement Trump Fiduciary Rule

In what I consider a surprise move, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced that it will a...

I hate the stated match

A 401(k) plan doesn’t have to be treated like the Bible or any other type of book where ...

The former employees can be a huge problem

In terms of issues over retirement plans for the past 22 years, the two most treacherous i...