
The message has to resonate

For some reason, my unincorporated village doesn’t have a mayor or village board of trus...

Think of something new

When I was a synagogue vice president, I came up with new ideas for events because the old...

If you build it, they may not come

I think the one place where the retirement plan industry has failed is in communication to...

Saying it ain’t broken, don’t fix it is a cop-out

I remember when I first saw the political sign as a freshman at Stony Brook over 25 years ...

The lesson from Steiner Sports

If you look at my office or my den, you’d think I ransacked Steiner Sports since I colle...

That 401(k) Conference hits Denver

The ninth edition of That 401(k) Conference was held at Coors Field on Friday, June 14th. ...

Plan enrollment/education meetings are more than just an exercise

As a 401(k) plan sponsor, you need to understand that an integral part of limiting your li...

DOL should make e-disclosures the default

It’s 2019 and one area that the Department of Labor (DOL) could help both the retirement...

If the DOL says you should find missing participants, do it

I’m not afraid of many things, except making the deep water and the heights. I’m not a...

The hardship distribution

It’s 2019 and while the hardship rules are changing for 2020, keep in mind that hardshi...