
Referrals are about helping, not making you $$$$

The retirement plan industry is very close knit. Everyone knows who does great work and th...

401(k) Operating Model

The following is a summary of important facts and observations we have accumulated from ou...

Interview: Ronald K. Stair, Creative Plan Designs, Ltd.

Ron Stair is the funniest and most outspoken actuary I ever met and he’s really good at ...

What Were They Thinking #8? Smokey and the Bandit Part 3

When I was 8 years old, my mother took me to the Canarsie Triplex to see some cartoon movi...

Sometimes Plan Sponsors just want to throw you off their “scent”

When you meet retirement plan sponsors just at different networking events and they find o...


In order to qualify for protection from Fiduciary personal liability and minimize exposure...

Show Plan Sponsors it doesn’t have to be that way

Have you ever been a customer of a service and then you switch to another provider and you...

What Were They Thinking #7? The Sting II

The idea behind a movie sequel is that it’s supposed to continue the story or expand an ...


The Term “Reasonable” appears in several places in the world of 401(k) plans.  Howeve...

Read the plan document

Being an ERISA attorney for a couple of third party administration (TPA) firms when I firs...