
The Lego Batman Move is a great movie for adults

With a 10 year old and an 11 year old, movie choices are limited. So the best kid’s movi...

Education is an important part of the fiduciary process

Advisors ask me all the time of the role of education in participant directed 401(k) plans...

Get those trading cards graded

I just started my first job and wanted to sell off my baseball card collection to fund my ...

Interview: Jeff Atwell, Meeder Investment Management

Q: How did you start in the retirement plan business? A: A client had an income tax proble...

That award for that Plan Provider might have been bought

When you’re being approached by a plan provider who wants you to be their client, there ...

As a plan provider, make sure there are security processes in place

As a retirement plan provider, you have something to do with the retirement plan assets an...

No more buying Blu-Rays and DVDs

I love movies and I’ve always had a vast movie collection. First it was VHS, then it was...

It’s not a delay, but it will be one

Yes, I get it. President Donald Trump issued a presidential memorandum instructing the Dep...

RIAs win one with Fiduciary Rule Delay

When it comes to standards, I know Kosher is Kosher. However, when it comes to meat, obser...

How To Avoid A DoL 401k Audit

There are many reasons for plan sponsors to do everything possible to avoid a Department o...