
The downside of social media

Social media is an amazing thing except when it isn’t. It’s a great way to sha...

Glad to miss another Black Friday

Until I was married, I never went out on Black Friday. My wife loves Black Friday and she ...

You easily lose clients by not caring about them

When it comes to my area, Conservative Jewish synagogues aren’t doing well. The demo...

Plan Providers Shouldn’t Copy Xerox

When I was a kid, everyone called a copy a Xerox because they were the leaders of photocop...

Dear Plan Sponsors, it’s about Reasonableness

Thanks to fee disclosure regulation and litigation against plan sponsors, plan sponsors ar...

Don’t sponsor literature tables if it won’t bring you business

The camp my daughter goes to is a fine camp except I can’t stand the people running ...

Interview: James Holland, MillenniuM Investment and Retirement Advisors

I met James Holland pretty soon after I started my own law firm through the discussion gro...

The problems with the 401(k) Match Game

If you’re an employee and your employer matches your salary deferrals through a matc...

Commission Trails Like Layers of an Onion

One of the most interesting aspects of dealing with the Fiduciary Rule is commissions. Whe...

The Lucas Film deal is going to be a goldmine for Disney

In 2012, George Lucas sold Lucas Films to Disney for $4 billion. While it won’t be t...