
Great distribution needs a good product

If you have a great product, but lousy distribution, you’re not going to do well. Yet the same th...

If you’re consistently losing clients, you should look in the mirror

There is always that line that you’re hired to be fired. No matter how great you are as a plan pr...

Don’t let your business become an HR headache

It’s 2024 and let us face some facts: behavior that might have been tolerated in the 1970s and 19...

I won’t write this article

I write a ton of articles as you may know and I will have advisors contacting me and suggesting som...

The Legend of the Korean Fish Store

I grew up in Brooklyn and the area I originally lived in is called Midwood I lived right off a stre...

The way to grow a PEP is through the state mandates

I’m all for states requiring employers to offer a retirement plan or join the state-endorsed IRA ...

Yes, I support TPAs

When I was at law school, I was the editor-in-chief of the law school’s newsmagazine. My rise to ...

Advertising won’t fix it

Over the years, I worked with many organizations starting back with student political organizations...

Advisors should play nicely with other providers

What makes a good retirement plan financial advisor? Well, it takes attention to detail, an underst...

The pet peeve

Like I say, the older I get, the more and more I’m like Larry David. The biggest pet peeve on ...