
There is room for everyone

When fee disclosure regulations were implemented, there were a few industry chicken little...

401(k) plans increase savings

Investment Company Institute conducted a study that shows that 56% of Defined Contribution...

Survivor at 40

My favorite show of all-time is Dallas and that lasted for 13 seasons, airing its final ep...

The Safe Harbor Change for Non-Electives is Big

The SECURE Act created much-needed change to the safe harbor non-elective contributions, m...

The beneficiary form and the need for no drama

As a plan sponsor, you need to make sure that participant beneficiary forms are up to date...

Baseball season is almost here, as well as That 401(k) Conference

  Now that the Super Bowl is done, that means baseball season is upon us. So if baseb...

SECURE Act bring the annuity things back

I’m not a fan of annuities, especially in 401(k) plans. Yet, it seems that the insurance...

Adoption of some 401(k) plan features are leveling off

There are many choices in developing options for a 401(k) plan and certain features such a...

Shell gets sued over their 401(k) Plan

Shell Oil, along with Fidelity is the target of a class action 401(k) lawsuit. As typical ...

Cybersecurity is an important concern

Without fail, every day I get emails that want to target one or more of my important onlin...