
There is room for everyone

When fee disclosure regulations were implemented, there were a few industry chicken littles that sug...

The Safe Harbor Change for Non-Electives is Big

The SECURE Act created much-needed change to the safe harbor non-elective contributions, making it m...

Cybersecurity is an important concern

Without fail, every day I get emails that want to target one or more of my important online accounts...

Yeah, Jeter wasn’t a unanimous choice, so what?

They will tell you that football in this country is king, but yet I never hear any debates about the...

Yeah, that won’t work

I always say that the retirement plan business is relationship-driven. It’s a business built on tr...

Watch those social media posts

I was a little irritated when a person from my community was appointed to an elected position becaus...

Make Sure Plan Sponsors Have Those Hardship Changes In Place

I was an attorney for a third party administrator (TPA) in 2007 and one of our plan administrator sa...

Don’t make bad hires

It was clear by the time that Carlos Beltran was interviewing for the Mets manager job that he was s...

The SECURE Act doesn’t change one big problem for MEPs

While I loved the fact that pooled employer plan (PEP) is an option as a multiple employer plan (MEP...

Push those tax credits

When prospecting potential clients that are considering a new 401(k) plan, push those tax credits if...