
When I don’t get the gig

When I’m contacted by a plan sponsor needs help, I usually quote a flat fee and 9 out of 10 times,...

Know when you should go

Like George Costanza who always tried to leave on a high note in an episode of  Seinfeld, I always ...

Less is almost always more

I’ve told the story many times, but I used to work for a well known ERISA attorney at a union size...

Don’t let your best employees leave over money

The principal of my synagogue’s Hebrew School announced he was quitting after 16 years to take a p...

You can’t be everybody for everything

I have written many articles on the fiduciary warranty and how that is a deceptive practice in my mi...

Don’t discount offering participants at least an education

Advisors ask me all the time of the role of education in participant-directed 401(k) plans. Particip...

Empathy goes a long way

When I started my law firm about 8 years ago, I had already had a marketing guru who was handling my...

It’s a changed and less profitable world for financial advisors

In the good old days of participant-directed 401(k) plans, a good chunk of financial advisors did ve...

Pick up the phone

I always say one of the main reasons that a provider gets fired is when the plan sponsor feels that ...

The Plan Sponsor may not see how great you are

Aside from my children and my wife, my favorite person of all-time was my grandmother Rose. She was ...