
Using Funds From Only One Family Is An Awful Idea

You must know about the shoemakers’ children and how they go barefoot and have no shoes. In the re...

Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back

The Kotter reference is only fun because the client’s name is Gabe Gabe, who had left us has r...

Get rid of the bad decision makers

  I was a Vice President of a synagogue once and the biggest problem I had is that the people w...

If it bleeds, it leads. If it’s thrown out, forget about it.

I serve as the attorney for a registered investment advisor out on Long Island and they forwarded me...

The trouble with any new 401(k) product

When Honda unveiled the 1986 line of Acura cars, it was one of the first entrances of the Japanese A...

If You’re A Plan Sponsor, A Scanner Can Be A Good Friend

Being a plan sponsor is a tough job and the amount of paperwork that goes with it can be overwhelmin...

Focusing Too Much On Fees Isn’t Healthy Either

I remember as a kid that there was move to use margarine because of the cholesterol that was in butt...

The easiest mistake most 401(k) plan sponsors make

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and that’s how I feel when it comes sometimes to wh...


As a mother of two, I love to save money whenever and wherever I can.  My kids will be the first to...

The real reason why bad funds are in 401(k) plans

Researchers once looked at some data to try to figure out why many poor 401(k) investment choices li...