
Wells Fargo sued over their proprietary target date funds

Thanks to litigation, we will probably see one day where a mutual fund company will no longer offer ...

Interview: Louis Harvey, Dalbar

I believe when it comes to retirement plan sponsors and plan providers, information and education ar...

Experts say Trump won’t delay or kill Fiduciary Rule

Experts claim that a President Donald Trump is likely to let the new Fiduciary Rule go into effect i...

Interview: Jon Freye, Xponential Growth Solutions

I’m a big fan of providers trying to educate financial advisors and plan sponsors about the ins an...

Plan Fees Have Been Getting Lower

NEPC, LLC published the results of its 11th Annual NEPC Defined Contribution Plan and Fee Survey. Da...

The Unintended Consequences of the Fiduciary Rule #4: Grandma won’t have a broker

Aside from my wife and children, my favorite person of all time was my maternal grandmother Rose. Sh...

The Fiduciary Rule isn’t the 11th Plague, you can predict that

I’ve heard so many negative things about the impact that the fiduciary rule will have on the retir...

Furnish those documents to Plan Participants or Pay Through The Nose

Plan sponsors should understand that under ERISA, plan participants are entitled to certain disclosu...

Interview: Sheri Fitts, ShoeFitts Marketing

I’ve always said that marketing is one of the things out there that can help retirement plan provi...

DOL Issues Form 2016 5500 and Increases Penalties

I believe that one of the great breakthroughs over the past few years has been the mandatory e-filin...