
What Were They Thinking #43 Chico and the Man goes on after the death of Freddie Prinze

There is the old adage that the show must go on, but there are times that the show should just end b...

The XFL 2.0, why it may work this time

The original XFL is considered one of the great failures in sports history, having folded after one ...

The Monday Night Wars actually hurt pro wrestling in the long run

I’ve been a pro wrestling fan since about the time I’ve been 10. I claim that it’s because itâ...

The 70s: When Style and Good Taste Died

I was born in 1972 and I remember the 1970s, sometimes I think I survived the 70s. I still have a pi...

What Were They Thinking #42 Lucille Ball strikes out in her last at bat

I always say that you should quit while you’re ahead. So when I passed the California bar exam aft...

Netflix’s biggest competitor is right around the corner

I’ve been a fan of Netflix since 2000 when I noticed this little postcard that was in the box of m...

Some Star Wars fans need to grow up

I always mention the story of how my aunt would romanticize about life in Israel in the 1950s. Life ...

The Film Series Contrarian

I’ve always felt like the outsider at times. I’m a Mets fan in a Yankees city and I’m not one ...

What Gal Gadot means to me

Months ago, I noticed that there would be a new sci-fi convention on Long Island called Ace Comic-Co...

These Hollywood sex abuse scandals shouldn’t shock you

The daily news of someone well known in entertainment or media being outed for allegedly perpetratin...