
Keep Politics and Your Business Apart

We’re closing in on Election Day and no matter what side you’re on, you have to admit that it’...

A Movie You Haven’t Watched, But Should: Once Upon A Time In The West

The term spaghetti western or Italian western belongs to a genre of Italian made westerns inspired b...

That Alec Baldwin Match Game was a hit

Ever since I was a kid and watched the show even though I didn’t understand the double entendres, ...

The Unintended Consequences of The Fiduciary Rule #1: B/Ds eating those Legal Bills

When there is any change put into place, there is always going to be a whole list of unintended cons...

How 401(k) Plan Sponsors Can Improve Their Plan At Little Cost

There are many ways that a retirement plan sponsor can improve their 401(k) plan, but they usually b...

Open MEPs to make a Comeback?

The Senate’s Committee on Finance has approved a bill that would open the door for employers to pa...

Avoid Giving Away Your Services for Free

As a former, recovering Vice President of a synagogue, I’m always interested in how other synagogu...

Interview: Sheldon Geller, Stone Hill Fiduciary Management

You wouldn’t be reading this interview on this website or know who I was if Sheldon Geller didn’...

Avoid The Norma Principle

The Peter Principle is a management theory concept in which the selection of a candidate for a posit...

Comixology: The App for Comics

I’ve been reading comic books on and off for the past 34 years. It all started when I picked up G....