
What Were They Thinking #32 The USFL overspends, gets Trumped too

In 1983, the United States Football League (USFL) came into being. It offered spring football and on...

What Were They Thinking #31 Jackie The Jokeman holds out, loses gig on The Howard Stern Show

Entertainment history is full of entertainers who leave a successful endeavor to try something else ...

What Were They Thinking #30 Western Union doesn’t buy the phone

This column at a few points has shows the big mistakes of companies not buying or developing a cutti...

Summer Box Office is Way Down

Well if you own stock in AMC Theaters and other movie theater chains, this awful summer box office i...

What Were They Thinking #29” Billy Squier’s career torpedoed by a music video

Homophobia is still a thing; I have two male relatives who don’t want to sleep on flowered sheets....

The problem with NASCAR

Nobody really wants to talk about it, but NASCAR is in bad shape. While NASCAR enjoyed a boom in the...

What Were They Thinking #28 The train wreck of SNL ’80

Saturday Night Live is an institution and when the original cast (minus Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi...

The Aaron Judge Memorabilia Bubble

I’ve lost enough money in the tech and real estate bubble to recognize another bubble. The craze i...

What Were They Thinking #27 A&P goes from 16,000 stores to oblivion

From 1915 through 1975, A&P (corporate name was the Greater Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company) ...