You Won’t See This Again #4: A New Network Daytime Soap Opera
In 1970, there were 19 network daytime soap operas on the air. In 2016, they are only 4 le...
In 1970, there were 19 network daytime soap operas on the air. In 2016, they are only 4 le...
I’ve been a diet cola drinker for the past 35+ years (yes I know it’s bad) sin...
Someone I know in the industry advised me again how a low cost index fund company was all ...
The one thing I always say about third party administrators (TPAs) is that they get none o...
People from Boston have claimed to me that the whole Curse of the Bambino was the inventio...
The Government Accounting Office (GAO) took a look at 80 401(k) plans and concentrated on ...
Social media is an amazing thing except when it isn’t. It’s a great way to sha...
Until I was married, I never went out on Black Friday. My wife loves Black Friday and she ...
When it comes to my area, Conservative Jewish synagogues aren’t doing well. The demo...
When I was a kid, everyone called a copy a Xerox because they were the leaders of photocop...
Thanks to fee disclosure regulation and litigation against plan sponsors, plan sponsors ar...
The camp my daughter goes to is a fine camp except I can’t stand the people running ...
I met James Holland pretty soon after I started my own law firm through the discussion gro...
If you’re an employee and your employer matches your salary deferrals through a matc...
One of the most interesting aspects of dealing with the Fiduciary Rule is commissions. Whe...
In 2012, George Lucas sold Lucas Films to Disney for $4 billion. While it won’t be t...
They often say that the Legacy of a person can only be decided later as time passes by. I&...
There have been significant differences of opinion on whether President-elect Trump will r...
This seems like a question with an obvious answer, but real life turns up some interesting...
My father in law loved to look through the supermarket circulars and get a bargain. When o...