Brokers need to educate themselves for the New Day in April
All the broker dealers are spending millions in legal fees to comply with the new Fiduciar...
All the broker dealers are spending millions in legal fees to comply with the new Fiduciar...
The investment policy statement (IPS) is one of the most important documents that a partic...
One of the claims in those class action 403(b) lawsuits against universities is a claim th...
About 8 years ago, I was invited by a Manhattan stockbroker to speak at a plan sponsor eve...
Besides bagels, pastrami, and cheesecake, New York is really well known for good medical c...
Before I graduated law school, I had a penchant for some really loud ties, I had ties from...
The World Series that pitted the Chicago Cubs against the Cleveland Indians will be rememb...
Working for organizations whether it was companies I worked for or for outside activity or...
NEPC, LLC published the results of its 11th Annual NEPC Defined Contribution Plan and Fee ...
There have been some pretty awful sports franchises in sports history, yet making fun of a...
A few weeks back, I had the pleasure of interviewing Ross Marino from Rekon Intel and he t...
When I think of Robo-advisor, why do I think of the robot from Lost in Space? Seriously Ro...
When I was younger and it involved with student organizations, there was this saying that ...
As a 401(k) plan sponsor, you are probably aware that there are some new fiduciary regulat...
The Department of Labor (DOL) issues the first of a few Q&As to help with financial ad...
When I first started in the 401(k) plan business in 1998, it was a boom time for the stock...
What’s an ultimatum? It’s a final, uncompromising demand or set of terms issued by a p...
You might not be aware, but the New York Times is doing an expose of sorts, shining a ligh...
This should be a Jeopardy question: Who is the person that performs the annual administrat...
Social media sites such as Facebook are a good thing and a bad thing. For me, it’s a goo...